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Sneak Peak

Our friends, Stefan & Elise, are  in town visiting and we took them to the western part of Rajasthan for a little side trip.  They wanted to go somewhere off the beaten path and I think we found it in Jaisalmer.  The landscape is breathtaking and the city’s fort is incredibly imposing.

We stayed at a little hotel outside the fort which was written up as having the best camel safaris in the area.  So, we loaded up and took a jeep ride for about 45 minutes to a “ranch” (I use this term loosely…it had a small main building and a few camels tied up) where the camel hands took over.  Luckily, the camels lay down in the sand so we can saddle up.  Actually, there is no saddle, just a metal frame which is covered with blankets.  It takes the camel three steps to get up.  First its back legs stretch out and he “kneels”. Then he pushes up on his front legs and straightens them and the back legs straighten, too.  It’s kind of this weird motion and you don’t think the camel will stand, but he does.

So the hands took us through the desert and we didn’t see anyone else…so, the book was true.  We headed for the dunes and that’s where we camped for the night.  We were served a dinner of pakoras, these crispy “chips”, lentils, rice, vegetables and homemade chapati (flat bread).  The sun had set and we sat around the campfire talking, the hands sung us some songs and enjoyed a very dark sky with very bright stars.  Even the quarter moon was bright and we could see our shadows.

Mark and I opted for a tent last minute but Stefan & Elise braved in the open air.

Coming up: The rest of our trip + PICTURES!!!

Sitting Pretty

The last time I got a hair cut was a couple days before we took off…so six months ago.  My guy in Chicago gave me a cut to allow for good grow out.  Even though it was a good cut and it grew out pretty nicely, it was just time to get a new one. Today was the day.  I went to a salon that has a few branches & a line-up of services and got a pretty decent cut (he dry cut the layers) & blowdry. The best part? The grand total with tips was $30.  If I didn’t get a shampoo and conditioner, it would have been $24.

Why didn’t I get this done 3 months ago?!? It’s one of the nice things about India – beauty treatments are so stinkin’ cheap!


We just dropped Susan off at the airport after a few days of jam-packed action fun in Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.  A lot of ground was covered in a relatively short amount of time but that didn’t stop us from taking over a thousand pictures between us.  A serious photo debrief is taking place this weekend on how to organize and categorize them. Got some hilarious monkey and snake footage, too.

The Taj Mahal was nothing less than beautiful and on our way out as we were taking more and more pictures of it, we overheard a woman tell her guide “It’s much smaller than I expected.”  Really, it is?

We broke all the rules of Indian etiquette to get this shot (only took three seconds … A big thanks to Susan for snapping it!!).  Lots more to come this weekend…


Taj Mahal

The Taj!



Signed, Sealed, Delivered

We got our first piece of mail on Tuesday; a card from my mom.  It took about a week to get here and 98 cents to mail.  I’m going to mail a letter back to her this week to test the time on the reverse commute.

First piece of mail...get out the scrapbook!

First piece of mail...get out the scrapbook!